The down side of a Wasserbetten

A water bed is a therapy device that was introduced a long time ago for medical therapies, where it was designed to make the patients feel comfortable and away from attracting bed sores. These water beds or mattresses are packed with water, which come in as hard and soft sided beds. They have been introduced in Germany under the German name wasserbetten which basically means waterbed in English. There are different types of beds having heating, a combination of water and air and wave and wave less flow mattresses.

As we all are aware that besides being used for medical therapy people have found to love the wasserbetten for other purposes as well. The bed started growing popularity and today many people have them in their homes as well. As most other products and devices there is always the advantages and the disadvantages, so let us take a look at the disadvantages that come along with the wasserbetten.

  • To heat the bed is a costly affair, and the cost mainly depends on size, climate and other features that needs the bed to be heated to a certain temperature
  • Shifting and carting the bed is a hassle because when ever it is required to move a bed from one location to the other the water must first be drained out and then when placing back to a stable position the water must be filled again.
  • There were circumstances where the mattress leaked and then water was found all over the rooms creating big problems.
  • When people use the bed wearing sharp objects like belts, buckles, zippers and even buttons on trousers and shirts they tend to puncture the mattress causing damage to the waterbed.
  • A waterbed weighs more that a normal bed and so is rather difficult to move around for cleaning.